12 Februarie 2014

New Courses under Erasmus+ Key Action 1 - Mobilities for teachers, staff and adult educators (5 day courses).

DOREA Educational Institue has designed 10 unique structured courses for school teachers, adult educators and HEI (Higher Education Institutions) staff. All courses will run in Limassol, Cyprus, throughout the school year 2014 - 2015, starting from 1st of July.
Don't hesitate to inform us asap which of the programs are most suited for your organisation(s). Note that the funding application deadline for all Mobility Activities is 17th of March 2014. We are at your disposal if you need help developing your application form.
See below a short description of each one and tell us which course or courses meet your institution's needs best.

1. First Aid at Work
Educational Institutions are a common ground for injuries or illnesses. The provision of appropriate first aid in the workplace can contribute positively to maintaining life, minimizing the consequences of injury or illness and accelerating the time of convalescence. With the completion of this course, participants will be able to provide adequate aid to the person in need, until the advent of specialized care.

2. Health and Safety in Educational Institutions
School principals, managers and teachers should know about health and safety when engaged in work or as future members of the workforce. This course will help you to identify risks and hazards in school, your duties and responsibilities and understand health and safety legislation.

3. IOSH Managing Safely
Safety at work is fundamental and health and safety requires a committed management to be effective. Managing safely is suitable for managers, supervisors and any other responsible authority in any sector, and any organisation. It's designed to get managers up to speed on the practical actions they need to take to handle health and safety in their premises.

4. Train the Trainer
This programme provides practical help to enable participants to grasp the mind set of an expert trainer. Appreciating the "inner game" of beliefs and values is crucial when designing and running a training program. The course also covers six skills sets that are essential to facilitating dynamic and powerful training events.

5. Understand Yourself, Understand Your Learners (Enneagram)
The seminar is based on personality typology called Enneagram. The system describes 9 basic personality types with their specific motivations, values, strong points and challenges. The aim of the seminar is to introduce Enneagram and enable the participants to apply the model in educational setting.

6. Problem Solving and Decision Making
Learn to apply decision-making and problem-solving skills to reduce risk and choose the best course of action while strategically achieving business objectives. The overarching aim of this particular seminar is to help participants develop soft skills and enhance understanding on conflict management, contempt and negativity.

7. Emotional Intelligence
The seminar gives opportunity to the teachers to enhance the understanding of emotional intelligence and how to apply that understanding in a teaching role in informal environments, and helping others to manage change and deal with stress.

8. Managing Cross Cultural Issues in Education
This programme aims to equip teachers and trainers with the essential skills, knowledge and competencies required for working globally, cross culturally and remotely both in formal and informal roles, and helping others to develop their multi-cultural awareness.

9. Team Work as a Means for Enhancing Productivity
Delegates will be shown how they can best appreciate the other team members and coach them to develop the skills they have in order to create a confident, relaxed, and constructive team. Experiential and group exercises demonstrate how to bring teams closer together by making communication more clear and direct.

10. Identify the Talent Hidden in Your Classroom
This unique programme, developed by a team of experts in clinical, educational and occupational psychology, aims to teach the participants to identify strengths and abilities of a pupil/youth that can go undetected in the formal educational environment.

Procedure to follow

  1. Choose one or more training courses from the ones in this brochure and send us an email.
  2. Once you choose the courses, we will send you the application form with information on how to fill in the details that concern your organisation. Most of the parts of the proposal will be done by us.
  3. A dedicated project manager will be assisting you in building the application and we will be in contact till you submit the application.
  4. Once the application is ready, you submit it by 17.03.2014 at the latest. It is important to meet this deadline, because there will be no other chance for submission during the year 2014.

The price

The participant fee equals to 1090EUR. It is fully covered by the funding received per participant and includes:

  • Tuition fee and training material
  • Welcome supper
  • Accommodation (6 nights)
  • Halfboard (5 days)
  • Airport transfer

Our background and Experience
DOREA Educational Institute boasts a vast amount of expertise in Leonardo, Grundtvig and Youth in Action projects. During our existence more than 400 people have participated in our activities linked to Lifelong Learning education. Before ERASMUS+ programme we focused mostly on IST Grundtvig seminars for adult educators and Grundtvig Multilateral projects; Leonardo Learning Partnerships, Leonardo Mobilities, Leonardo Transfer of Innovations and Youth in Action projects for young people.

Contat us at for more information and assistance.
DOREA Educational Institute
Spyrou Kyprianou 5 office 401
Mesa Geitonia Limassol
00357 25256606


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